The Planet Crafter
PC (Windows)
[DLC] | [Install Drive] B:\
Last activity: 10 months ago
Playtime: 64:11:18
Play count: 22

You are sent on an hostile planet with one mission: Make it habitable for Humans. You'll have to survive, collect resources, build your base and machines in order to heat the planet, create an atmosphere with enough oxygen and eventually geo-engineer an entire planet!

Gather minerals and resources to survive. Craft all the tools you'll need in order to fulfill your mission. Explore old crashed ships and ruins and discover a planet full of mystery.

You'll need a base and all sorts of machines to make yourself at home, and be able to bring life on this planet!

- Character Thirst, Oxygen, Temperature, Health Mechanics
- Base Building
- Crafting
- Mining ores
- Build machines to create atmospheric pressure
- Build machines to heat the planet
- Create a biosphere with oxygen
- Create life on a planet !
Last updated 28 days ago
Added: almost 2 years ago
Modified: almost 2 years ago
User Score:
Community Score:
Critic Score:
Is Custom Game: false
Is Installed: true
Is Installing: false
Is Launching: false
Is Running: false
Is Uninstalling: false
IGDB name:
Game Id: 1284190
Game Started Script:
Hidden: false
Include Library Plugin Action: true
Install Directory: B:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\The Planet Crafter
Playnite ID: 714952dc-46a3-472e-8d95-cfd4f6a75125
Plugin Id: cb91dfc9-b977-43bf-8e70-55f46e410fab
Post Script:
Pre Script:
Sorting Name: Planet Crafter
Use Global Game Started Script: true
Use Global Post Script: true
Use Global Pre Script: true