Fistful of Frags
PC (Windows) | PC (Linux) | Macintosh
PvP | Simulation | Shooter | Historical | Arena Shooter | First-Person | Survival | Online Co-Op | Free to Play | Co-op | Comedy | Funny | Adventure | Western | Multiplayer | Massively Multiplayer | Mod | PvE | Action | FPS
Last activity: over 9 years ago
Playtime: 00:47:00
Play count: 0
Also please note this is a completely *free* standalone mod, no micro-transactions exist, no registration required. Just install and play. You may see ads when joining certain third party servers that host our game for free. That's however completely unrelated to FoF dev team, we do not profit from them. Also note that some weapons and perks may be locked for Steam's level 0 accounts until they reach level 1 or complete a play-to-earn-points progression system.
- Shootout (classic death-match / free for all) and up to 4 team death-match: non stop, all around action. FFA supports ladder based global ranks.
- Teamplay mode: objective based game mode featuring zone capture and 'push the cart' levels.
- Cooperative mode: up to 6 players; features missions as bank assault, last stand, push
- Singleplayer challenges and missions: learn the game alone, master the skills you'll need later at your own pace
- Other multiplayer modes: Grand Elimination (a fast paced Battle Royale like mode), Break Bad (team based death-match like mode featuring custom rules as unarmed players or objetives), Team Elimination (kill the entire enemy team once at least to win the round), Versus (1 vs 1 duel matches, each map features different arenas, fair match creation based on player rank/skill)
- Detailed dual wield system: double dynamic crosshair, weapon flip for extra accuracy options, drop or throw your handguns as projectile attack
- Multiplayer bots for off-line practice
- Historical black gunpowder based weapons as Colt Peacemaker/Navy/Walker, S&W Schofield, Volcanic pistol, Deringer, Smith Carbine, Sharps rifle or Henry Rifle
- Customization options: choose primary/secondary weapons and special perks
- Skill based scoring system: the more skill required to accomplish an attack, the higher score is
- Source Engine 2013: community managed dedicated servers, LAN support, 3rd party level design and user customization allowed
Last updated over 1 year ago
Added: almost 2 years ago
Modified: over 1 year ago
User Score:
Community Score: 86
Critic Score:
Is Custom Game: false
Is Installed: false
Is Installing: false
Is Launching: false
Is Running: false
Is Uninstalling: false
IDGB ID: 8584
IGDB name: Fistful of Frags
Game Id: 265630
Game Started Script:
Hidden: false
Include Library Plugin Action: true
Install Directory:
Playnite ID: 84e1c0d7-2e58-4f7b-8e5d-f0b10f3db0a8
Plugin Id: cb91dfc9-b977-43bf-8e70-55f46e410fab
Post Script:
Pre Script:
Sorting Name:
Use Global Game Started Script: true
Use Global Post Script: true
Use Global Pre Script: true