Everybody's Gone To The Rapture

Sony PlayStation 4

Not Played

PlayStation Plus


Last activity: almost 4 years ago

Playtime: 04:00:23

Play count: 3

For the last twelve months, we’ve had our heads down working hard on Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture and it’s really exciting to be able to share some more information with you as well as a new trailer.

If you already know The Chinese Room, you’ll know that we make story-driven games. Creating a rich, deep world with strong drama and exceptional production values is key to what we’re all about. Rapture is set in a remote valley in June 1984 and is a story about people and how they live with each other. But it’s also about the end of the world.

Rapture is inspired by the fiction of John Wyndham, J. G. Ballard, John Christopher and other authors who deal with ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances. There’s a very particular English feel that we wanted to capture in the game, a combination of the epic and the intimate. Rapture also came from our obsession with post-apocalyptic gaming, and the simple idea that whilst we normally play as the hero, in reality, most of us would be the piles of ash and bone littering the game world. That’s an interesting place to start telling a story.

Our approach is to create a game that you can utterly immerse yourself in. Yaughton Valley, where Rapture takes place, is a living, breathing world. The world of Rapture is not just a backdrop; it’s a character in its own right. It’s great working with PS4 as its processing power makes a game like this possible for a team our size.

The game is all about discovery. It’s open-world so you have the freedom to explore wherever you like, visiting areas in an order you define, and the story is written to allow this whilst making sure every player has a strong dramatic experience. It’s a type of storytelling that is completely unique to games. The choices you make as a player have a direct impact on how you understand the story – the more you explore and interact, the deeper you are drawn into Rapture’s world.

Last updated 4 days ago

Added: over 3 years ago

Modified: Never.

User Score:

Community Score: 73

Critic Score: 79



Is Custom Game: false

Is Installed: false

Is Installing: false

Is Launching: false

Is Running: false

Is Uninstalling: false


IGDB name:

Game Id: CUSA01511_00

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Include Library Plugin Action: true

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Plugin Id: e4ac81cb-1b1a-4ec9-8639-9a9633989a71

Post Script:

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Sorting Name:

Use Global Game Started Script: true

Use Global Post Script: true

Use Global Pre Script: true

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