The End Is Nigh
PC (Windows) | PC (Linux) | Macintosh
Themes & Moods: Postapocalyptique | Themes & Moods: Atmosphère | Genres: Plateforme | Sub-Genres: Plateforme 2D | Themes & Moods: Sombre | Assessments: Super B.O. | Visuals & Viewpoint: 2D | Other Tags: Indépendant | Steam Deck Verified | Players: Jeu solo | Themes & Moods: Rétro | Sub-Genres: Plateforme et précision | Assessments: Difficile | Top-Level Genres: Aventure | Themes & Moods: Historique | Themes & Moods: Mèmes | Visuals & Viewpoint: Graphismes pixel | Themes & Moods: Dark Fantasy | Assessments: Comédie noire | Assessments: Humour | Top-Level Genres: Action
Last activity: 12 months ago
Playtime: 06:50:00
Play count: 0
Just kidding, you aren't dead... YET!
See, in the future, everything dies... for the most part.
and this is a game about just that.
The End Is Nigh!
-the management
The End Is Nigh is a sprawling adventure platformer where the player takes control over Ash, one of few "things" that have "survived" the "end of the world".
Follow Ash as he flops his way through a future of pain and suffering. Feel his stress levels rise as you throw him into an endless swarm of decaying, mutant animal-like creatures and help aid his final epic quest... to simply make a friend (out of pieces of people he finds along his journey).
Oh, also you collect video game cartridges and tumors! if that does anything for ya.
- 600+ levels!
- 12+ explorable chapters!
- 20+ collectible and fully playable mini game cartridges! (each with their own tiny achievements!)
- 80+ achievements that will make you feel good about yourself
- 100s of collectible little squishy tumors!
- loads of hidden extras and endings that you will probably see someone else find before you do!
- and stress!
Last updated 7 months ago
Added: 8 months ago
Modified: 8 months ago
User Score:
Community Score: 90
Critic Score: 84
Is Custom Game: false
Is Installed: true
Is Installing: false
Is Launching: false
Is Running: false
Is Uninstalling: false
IDGB ID: 36846
IGDB name: The End Is Nigh
Game Id: 583470
Game Started Script:
Hidden: false
Include Library Plugin Action: true
Install Directory: E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\theendisnigh
Playnite ID: e02fe523-a554-4d55-b21f-b23d1ec72694
Plugin Id: cb91dfc9-b977-43bf-8e70-55f46e410fab
Post Script:
Pre Script:
Sorting Name: End Is Nigh
Use Global Game Started Script: true
Use Global Post Script: true
Use Global Pre Script: true