Resident Evil
Puzzle | Gore | Action | Atmospheric | Singleplayer | Cult Classic | Survival | Third Person | Zombies | Third-Person Shooter | [EMT] Video Micro missing | Shooter | Survival Horror | Story Rich | [EMT] Video missing | Great Soundtrack | Classic | Adventure | Difficult | Female Protagonist | Remake | Horror
Last activity: 6 months ago
Playtime: 00:47:13
Play count: 48

Your Special Tactics and Rescue Squad has been choppered to a remote mansion to investigate a biotechnical experiment gone hideously wrong. Before you can say "mass murder," you're plunged straight into a deathtrap writhing with man-eating freaks, swarming crows and rabid dogs.
Arm yourself with knives and flame-throwers scavenged from dead teammates. Solve puzzles, disarm traps and unearth mysteries. But beware: every move you make draws you deeper into the deadly embrace of Resident Evil™.
The iconic classic is back, better than ever, and made to last forever. Here's how we ensured it and what you can expect with GOG's version of the game:
- Full compatibility with Windows 10 and Windows 11.
- All 4 localizations of the game included (English, German, French, Japanese).
- Improved DirectX game renderer.
- New rendering options (Windowed Mode, Vertical Synchronization Control, Gamma Correction, Integer Scaling, Anti-Aliasing and more).
- Improved timing of the cutscenes.
- Improved game video player.
- Improved game registry settings.
- Issue-free game exit and task switching.
- Full support for modern controllers (Sony DualSense, Sony DualShock4, Microsoft Xbox Series, Microsoft Xbox One, Microsoft Xbox 360, Nintendo Switch, Logitech F series and many more) with optimal button binding regardless of the hardware and wireless mode.
Our version of the game keeps all the original content intact – 1996's description is no exception. Take a trip down memory lane and see how Resident Evil™ was described to gamers when it launched all those years ago:
- Completely uncut, with even more blood, graphic violence and gory scenes than the worldwide monster hit version on PlayStation
- A swarm of unknown horrors prowl the mansion's hundreds of rooms, including it's underground lairs, the graveyard and some unwelcoming guest houses
- Unprecedented detail-intense texture maps, shadows and lighting effects, plus ever-changing camera angles, create a frighteningly rich 3-D environment.
- Choose to play tough guy marksman Chris Redfield or hardcore demolition expert Jill Valentine, both brought to life with realistic polygon character graphics.
- Ominous digital surround soundtrack features haunting music that intensifies the action.
- Windows 10とWindows 11との完全な互換性の実現
- 全4言語版への対応(英語、ドイツ語、フランス語、日本語)
- DirectXゲームレンダラーの調整
- 新しい画面描画オプションの追加(ウィンドウモード、垂直同期コントロール、ガンマ補正、整数スケーリング、アンチエイリアシングほか)
- 特定のカットシーンのタイミングの改善
- ゲーム内のビデオ再生機能の調整
- ゲームのレジストリ設定の調整
- ゲーム終了時&タスク切替時の処理の改善
- メジャーなコントローラー(Sony DualSense、Sony DualShock4、Microsoft Xbox Series、Microsoft Xbox One、Microsoft Xbox 360、Nintendo Switch、Logitech Fシリーズほか多数)にワイヤレスモードも含めて完全対応し、コントローラーごとに最適なボタン配置を提供
- 全世界で大ヒットを記録したPlayStation版より、出血やバイオレンスの描写、グロテスクな表現をさらに強化したノーカット版
- 広大な洋館やその地下施設、墓地や寄宿舎といった場所に巣くう正体不明の怪異たち
- かつてないほどに作り込まれたマップや、影や光のエフェクト、変化に富んだカメラアングルが、不気味なほどリッチな3D環境を演出
- リアルなポリゴングラフィックで描かれた、タフな射撃の名手「クリス・レッドフィールド」と爆発物処理のエキスパート「ジル・バレンタイン」のいずれかの主人公を選択可能
- 迫力あるデジタルサラウンドサウンドトラックがさらなる恐怖を呼び起こし、アクションの臨場感をアップ

Last updated 27 days ago
Added: 6 months ago
Modified: 5 months ago
User Score:
Community Score: 78
Critic Score: 79
Is Custom Game: false
Is Installed: true
Is Installing: false
Is Launching: false
Is Running: false
Is Uninstalling: false
IDGB ID: 424
IGDB name: Resident Evil
Game Id: 1580232252
Game Started Script:
Hidden: false
Include Library Plugin Action: true
Install Directory: G:\Resident Evil\
Playnite ID: bd072921-a223-43ae-a823-f5572a20462e
Plugin Id: aebe8b7c-6dc3-4a66-af31-e7375c6b5e9e
Post Script:
Pre Script:
Sorting Name: Resident Evil 01
Use Global Game Started Script: true
Use Global Post Script: true
Use Global Pre Script: true