Fallout 4: A StoryWealth

PC (Windows)



Sandbox | [EMT] Video Micro missing | FPS | Character Customization | [EMT] Video missing | Action | Third Person | Exploration | Sci-fi | Third-Person Shooter | Action RPG | Survival | Story Rich | Open World | RPG | Adventure | Post-apocalyptic | Singleplayer | Great Soundtrack | Shooter | First-Person | [Ludusavi] Skip | Atmospheric


Last activity: 6 months ago

Playtime: 126:58:00

Play count: 22

Experience the Commonwealth the StoryWealth way. Write your own Stories!

This collection focuses on adding new content and prioritizing player choice, while also staying true to Bethesda's vision for Fallout 4. Meaning no invasive gameplay overhauls, no new systems to learn. Just a Vanilla-Style Commonwealth filled with a Wealth of Stories to discover and numerous ways to do them. We look forward to you joining us on this journey

For more details, updates and support join our Community Discord Server: A StoryWealth

If you are a mod author that want to work with us, reach out to us on the discord.

Brief overview of what is included

Look Inside the Collection

Hardware Specs for A StoryWealth

Recommended Specs
  • I7-4790k or equivalent
  • 16GB RAM if using the Optional HD Textures
  • 8GB RAM without extra textures
  • GTX 1060 (6GB) or equivalent
  • Game installed on an SSD
  • 265GB of total storage space in-between Mods and Downloads files.

Due to the size of the collection, we recommend that you get Nexus Premium, though not a hard requirement, it will speed up the installation process of the collection through automated mod downloads and higher download speeds.

Step 1. Visual C++ Redistributable

Make sure you have installed THE LATEST Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable older versions won't work!
Find the All In One here: AIO Repack for latest Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable

Step 2. FRESH and CLEAN installation of Fallout 4

  • Your Game Language MUST be set to ENGLISH.
To obtain a fresh copy of Fallout 4 including DLC
  1. Open your Steam library and find Fallout 4
  2. couRight click on the menu entry and choose Properties:
  3. couNext click on DLC
  4. couCheck every box EXCEPT High Resolution Texture Pack
  5. couClick on Local Files and verify integrity of game files
  6. couLet it run and when done start your Fallout 4 game once to the main menu and then exit the game

Step 3. Starting to "Manage" Fallout 4 in Vortex

  1. Go to the games tab of Vortex, find the Fallout 4 tile and click on the "Manage" sign
  2. Follow the directions Vortex gives you
  3. Afterwards go to your Dashboard
  4. Click on Settings and under Advanced click Enable Profile Management
  5. Now find a bit further down the Automation section and have it set like the image
  6. When done, click on the Profiles tab, it will open, look for the Add Fallout 4 profile button: click it.
  7. A window will open, provide it with your own details, like shown below, when done click Save.
  8. Click the Enable button and you have a fresh profile ready to go!
  9. Go to your Plugins tab, in the orange bar look for the "Autosort Enabled" button, it will be the first one
  10. If it is NOT enabled, please enable it, like in the picture shown below:

Step 4. Download a StoryWealth

  • Congratulations! You are now setup and ready to DOWNLOAD A StoryWealth!
  • Click the ADD TO VORTEX button on this page.
  • Any messages that are shown during the installation can be ignored until the installation is finished.
  • Once A StoryWealth has finished downloading and installing continue to the next step of the guide.

Step 5. Downgrade the game! users can skip this step as GOG still uses the old version of the game.

Go to the Dashboard and find the "Fallout 4 Downgrader".
Let the patcher do it's job for a few seconds. Done.

If you're getting a login screen you've most likely already finished patching. No need to login.

If Fallout 4 Downgrader does not show up on the dashboard

  1. Find "Fallout 4 Downgrader" in Mods Tab.
  2. Right-click and choose "Open in File Manager".
  3. Run FO4Down.exe.

Step 6. Completing Tools setup, Cleaning game files, Activating .ini files

If FO4Edit hasn't been added to your Tools Dashboard, follow these steps

Adding a Tool
  1. In your Vortex Dashboard click on the Add Tool button and click New
  2. cleanIn the window that has opened in the "Name" type FO4EDIT (3)
  3. cleanNext look for "Target", click on the folder icon at the end (4)
  4. In the File Explorer window that's opened, find the FO4Edit 4.1.5f folder as shown below
  5. Click on the FO4Edit app icon (5) than click on Open and the window will close click on save (6) and the tool has been successfully added.


Repeat these steps for the FO4EditQuickAutoClean Tool. Ensuring you select the correct .exe (FO4EditQuickAutoClean) and giving it a unique "Name"

Cleaning the Base Game Files

By cleaning the base files you will experience less crashes, makes the game more stable.

Cleaning is safe, easy and has to be done one time only.

First here is the list with the filenames that need to be cleaned DO NOT clean any other files

bethFrom the Vortex Dashboard, open FO4EditQuickAutoClean a window opens:

bethDOUBLE Click on ONE of the names from the list above, in this example DLCROBOT.esm (7)

The cleaning starts, when it's done a Finished message will be shown in the pane on the right at the bottom (8)

bethClose down FO4EditQuickAutoClean and repeat these steps for the other files in the list.

When done cleaning go to the Mods Tab and in the top bar click DEPLOY MODS.


After that go to the Plugins Tab and click SORT NOW.


Step 7. Adjusting .ini files and Optimising your experience

  • Open the tool BethINI from your Vortex Dashboard. Close the message that appears asking if you want to update
  • Below are our recommended settings, you can use any preset you like. But DO NOT use Ultra as it decreases performance for an imperceptible difference in Visual Clarity


  • Add Fallout 4 Steam folder as excluded in Windows Security to speed up start-up time.
    Follow Microsoft's own guide on how to do it.

Increase Pagefile Size

Increasing PageFile Size

Why Increase Pagefile Size?

  • Stability: Large mod collections consume a lot of RAM. Increasing the pagefile size provides additional virtual memory, helping to prevent crashes.
  • Performance: A larger pagefile can help with smoother transitions between loading different game assets, especially in memory-intensive scenarios.

How to Increase Pagefile Size to 20GB on Windows:

Open System Properties:

  • Press Win + R to open the Run dialog.
  • Type sysdm.cpl and press Enter.

Advanced System Settings:

  • In the System Properties window, go to the Advanced tab.
  • In the Performance section, click on Settings.

Performance Options:

  • In the Performance Options window, go to the Advanced tab.
  • In the Virtual memory section, click on Change.

Virtual Memory Settings:

  • Uncheck the box that says Automatically manage paging file size for all drives.
  • Select your system drive (usually C:).
  • Choose Custom size and enter the Initial size (MB) and Maximum size (MB). For 20GB, you can set the Initial size to 20480 and the Maximum size to 20480.

Set and Apply:

  • Click the Set button.
  • Click OK to close the Virtual Memory window.
  • Click OK to close the Performance Options window.
  • Click OK to close the System Properties window.

Restart Your Computer:

  • For the changes to take effect, you will need to restart your computer.

And that's it! You've successfully increased your pagefile size to 20GB. This should help in providing additional stability and performance for running larger collections

Ultrawide Support

How to use Ultrawide

Grab this mod for 21:9, or this mod for 32:9. Make sure to grab the (Not Next-Gen compatible) version.
For file-conflicts the mod of your choice should go After.
For FOMOD follow these settings:

Finally it's time to play A StoryWealth, use the F4SE shortcut, NOT the Fallout 4 shortcut
If you're stuck at a black screen hit Enter once.


Official A StoryWealth AddOns

Addons by Exoclyps

Addons by RantanPlan76

Addons by aradonsl (aka Rellikcro)

For more details or if you have any issues join our Discord Server: A StoryWealth

  1. In the tab Collections click on the refresh button, upper right corner.
  2. An indicator will show when there is a new revision.
  3. Hover on the tile, click the update button. That's it!
  4. When asked about removing old mods, make sure to click Remove All or you'll be stuck with multiple versions of the same mod.

  5. Make sure all old mods are properly removed by enabling Collection Column in Mods Tab and filter for <None> and then remove any mods you've not added yourself.

Crash at Startup

Sometimes during installation some mods won't get properly installed. It's easy to remedy with a quick reinstall of the mods.

  1. First make sure you have no filters selected in the Mods Tab.
  2. Remove/Uninstall all mods (Don't delete the Archives), You can use CTRL + A to select all.
  3. Re-download the latest revision (overwrite if asked).
  4. Go into Plugins and click on Sort Now.

Recording tools like Medal, Action or SteelSeries Moments have been known to cause the game to crash at startup, so make sure you close them down before playing!

Visual Glitches or Crashing when Loading or Saving

Sometimes if the load order is not sorted properly it'll cause Visual Glitches or Crashing when loading or saving. Usually just hitting "Sort Now" in the Plugins Tab will do the job, but sometimes more extreme measures is needed. If so doing the fix below should fix the issue.

Resolve Cyclic Mod Issue

Sometimes during updates it happens that there are conflicting groups / rules. Do the following to fix the issue.

  1. First you go to your plugins tab and double-click on any plugin to open the little side bar that allows you to change its group, next press Ctrl + A to highlight all the plugins.
  2. After this change the group for all plugins to anything then delete it with the x.
  3. Afterwards all your mods groups should have an italicized group.
  4. Then reinstall the collection by right clicking it in the mods tab (just dismiss the window that pops up wanting you to disable mods)


After done with the above and if the issue persist. Check the "Remove Custom Rule" and click "Apply Selected".

A lot of time and effort went into creating and playing this Collection, but it’s understood that not every bug or error may have been caught—Bethesda didn’t catch them all, and neither did every Mod in this list. To fine-tune this Collection even further, suggestions, feedback, questions, and bug reports are very welcome.

Discord Server: A StoryWealth
Or please leave a Comment via the button at the top.

Mod changes to be aware of

Low Quality CROSS Textures
  • CROSS Courser Strigidae, CROSS_InstituteExpeditionarySuit and pretty much every Niero mod has low quality textures by default. You can get skin-packs for free over on Niero's Gumroad Each page has a discount code you can use to get the skin pack for free .Choose whichever quality you want and then install as a mod into Vortex
Injecting Modern Weapons

By default aSW keeps the modern weapons outside of any levelled lists, this is to ensure that those who don't want modern weapons never see them. To change this open up the MCM and find "Combined Arms" Press Inject all and close the menu, they should now be injected into the levelled lists and will be found on enemies and in vendors.

Additionally this process can also be done with the AER-15 and the X12 Plasmacaster

ACR-W17 Where is it?

There is only one of these in the game, found at Vault 111
We have a custom patch that have removed it from the levelled lists, so you can only find it right hereImage

Where are the outfits?

The outfits that would normally be found in the Chem Station have been moved to another workbench called the "Outfit Workbench" that can be found in the Workshop mode under Crafting. The bench does not need any perks to build, however the outfits that can be crafted may have perks that are required

Adding Mods to the Collection

  • We're open to all of your questions concerning this Collection.
  • All we ask from you is to follow the instructions and think 3 times before you add a mod.
  • If you require any support, or wish to ask if a mod is compatible with the collection, please join the Discord and ask in the appropriate channels.

While there is no correct way to play this collection, this is one way to get started.
How to get started

  • Wake up in Vault 111, follow your heart, explore, enjoy the game.

  1. To give yourself the maximum amount of content available, as soon as you leave the Vault, start looking around for gear and so. Listen to the radio stations when they pop up. Go to Sanctuary, meet Codsworth and talk with him.
  2. Go to the workbench, pick up the magazine and activate the workbench
  3. Now build a radio beacon. A stranger will appear. Follow his lead until he goes back to Concord.
  4. Go to Concord, talk to the girl who is playing with crayons / walking in the street. When the quest is given, don't enter the building yet! Walk along to do the Museum quests.
  5. After leaving the museum again and have talked to Preston and gang and the stranger, go in to Fallons administrative building and do the quest given by the girl. When outside again go to Sanctuary, follow the strangers questline it will further introduce you to Sim Settlements 2 building. When that part is finished and Sim Settlements 2 quest "pauses", talk to Preston accept his quest and switch to the quest you picked up in Fallon's before. You'll be on your way to fight some Gunners, Raiders find your first magazine, bobblehead and you have kicked off your first faction the Minutemen.
  6. From that point on it doesn't matter how you proceed, Quests do tie into each other and in to the Vanilla storyline.

The StoryWealth collection is made possible by the works of great Mod authors and we couldn't do it without their support.

Special recognition goes to Martend, the founder, whose vision set the groundwork for this collection. The current team continues to build on that solid foundation, evolving StoryWealth into what it is today.

The StoryWealth Team want to you thank you the playerbase as well, for making us the #1 collection on the Fallout 4 Nexus. Your support pushes us to improve this collection further We hope you enjoy playing the collection as much as we enjoy making it.

Last updated 4 months ago

Added: 8 months ago

Modified: 4 months ago

User Score:

Community Score: 80

Critic Score: 85



Is Custom Game: false

Is Installed: true

Is Installing: false

Is Launching: false

Is Running: false

Is Uninstalling: false


IGDB name:

Game Id: 377160

Game Started Script:

Hidden: false

Include Library Plugin Action: true

Install Directory: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Fallout 4


Playnite ID: 8afdf917-3a72-41e8-89bd-1126cec3b1e1

Plugin Id: cb91dfc9-b977-43bf-8e70-55f46e410fab

Post Script:

Pre Script:

Sorting Name: Fallout 04

Use Global Game Started Script: true

Use Global Post Script: true

Use Global Pre Script: true

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