The Elder Scrolls V: Gate to Sovngarde
PC (Windows)
[EMT] Video Micro missing | Stealth | Moddable | Character Customization | Female Protagonist | Action | Third Person | Remake | Dragons | Story Rich | Magic | Fantasy | Walking Simulator | Open World | RPG | Adventure | Singleplayer | Great Soundtrack | Classic | First-Person | [Ludusavi] Skip | Atmospheric
Last activity: 4 months ago
Playtime: 475:35:00
Play count: 218
Gate to Sovngarde is a love letter to the Skyrim modding community, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. If you're having issues, check out the troubleshooting guide or stop by the Discord.
Full Feature List:
- 🏹 Immersive: Start as a nobody. Train, study, hunt and survive to thrive in the world of Skyrim.
- 🧙 Roleplaying: Player choice is at the center of this list. Be who you want to be, have the world react to it.
- 🗺️ A Dynamic Living World: See Skyrim change as a result of your actions and as time passes by.
- ❄️ State-of-the-Art: Seasons of Skyrim? Climbing? Northern Roads? All included and patched.
- 💀 All Sorts of Playstyles: You want to be a necromancer? A healer? A werebear shaman? GTS has it all.
- 🎁 Anniversary Edition is Optional: If you have it, great! It's fully patched in. You don't have it? No problem!
- 🕵️ Exclusive Tweaks: Tons of exclusive mods, patches and tweaks ONLY available in this collection.
- 🛠️ Carefully Crafted: Every mod has a reason for being included and is fully patched with everything else.
- 🖱️ Easy to Install: Basically a 1-Click Installation. Download and play. But read the instructions first, please.
- 🎈 Lite-ish: 53GB of download size, but 1500+ mods. GTS should run well in most PCs.
- 🍦 Vanilla+: It improves every aspect of the original game while staying true to what makes Skyrim great.
- 👌 Streamlined: No complicated menus or manuals to understand the mechanics in the list.
With an oldish laptop (RTX 2070), I get 144+ FPS in interiors and 60 FPS in exteriors. However, it might drop to 40 FPS in very demanding areas of the game with that setup. Use these numbers as a guide to figure out if the collection might or not perform well for your system. So far, those that have tested it have given big praise to how smooth and well it performs on weaker systems too.
The collection uses Community Shaders for extra performance, while still looking great. Community Shaders are optional though. You can easily install ENB if you want to. However, I encourage you give CS a try though, as the optimization and graphics might surprise you.
Click on the image above to see a quick gallery of visual examples of this collection.
This video includes all the info you need for the installation... or you can also read below. Make sure you...
- ⚠️Double check that you have the latest Skyrim version on Steam.
- ⬇️ Launch the game and download Anniversary Edition plugins before installing the collection: If you've purchased the Anniversary Edition Upgrade, please download the plugins from the main menu within the game. If you haven't purchased it, still launch the game at least once to make sure it's all working.
- 🖥️ Install the latest Microsoft Visual C++ version on your PC: This is quite recent (July 2024). Install this.
- 🌎Your game is set to English. Playing in another language will break things.
- 🗑️If you've installed lots of mods using Vortex or other collections in the past, you probably need to clean your modding folders. Watch this.
- 🐤 Start a new game: You cannot use an old save with the collection.
- 🔭 Have enough space: Download size is only 53GB, but you will need around 150GB of space to install the collection. Once installed, you can delete the installation files, bringing down the total size to around 100GB.
- 💵 Have Nexus Premium: All collections/modlists require premium for automatic installation, otherwise you have to manually install each mod and it'll take you forever.
Even Farkas could install this:
- Read the "Pre-Requirements" section above. Most people forget to install Microsoft's C++.
- Open Vortex and under DASHBOARD, make sure “Profile Management” is set to “Yes”.
- Click on "Add to Vortex" at the top of this page. Your browser should open Vortex.
- Click on "Create New Profile". Then "Yes" to switch to this profile.
- During the installation... DO NOT PAY ATTENTION TO ANY ERRORS. Go do something else, let Vortex do its thing. Ignore ALL errors. Do not even look at the screen. Go away until it's finished.
- At the end of the installation, click "Install all" ONLY if you own the AE upgrade.
- Final step: Go to "Dashboard", and set SKSE as your primary launcher. That's it. Have fun!
- If game is not launching, check the troubleshooting guide.
Your choice:
The collection comes pre-packaged with Community Shaders. However, if you want to disable community shaders in favor of ENB, you can just install ENB + an ENB preset on top. Community Shaders will automatically disable itself when it detects the ENB.
If you are playing on a potato PC, you could alternatively go full vanilla graphics by disabling Community Shaders:
🖼️ Community shader plugins 🖼️Disable these in Vortex if you want to go full vanilla graphic effects for extra performance:
- Community Shaders
- Water Blending
- Vanilla HDR
- Tree LOD Lighting
- Soft Shadows
- Screen-Space Shadows
- Grass Sampler Fix
- Grass Collision
- Complex Parallax Materials
- Complex Parallax for Northern Roads
- Auto Parallax
- TAA Sharpen
- Light Limit Fix
I've made this collection with the premise of finding balance between immersion and gameplay. I try my best to reduce the amount of things you need to read to a minimum. However, you should probably be aware of SOME things before you start your adventure with Gate To Sovngarde.
Open the tabs for whatever topic interests you, or watch the video for a quick overview of everything.
- INITIAL CONFIGURATION: First, you will choose your appearance. A message will greet you and ask you to wait a few seconds while the mods configure. A second message will appear once this is done. I recommend making a save and immediately reloading the save at this point before proceeding.
- CHOOSING YOUR STORY: Take the items that fit your character, then talk to the dragon to choose your origin story. By selecting "I'm the Dragonborn" you can do the vanilla intro or skip those quests altogether. You can also start with a different background and do Helgen later. Go through the door when ready.
- STARTING THE MAIN QUEST: With a custom start, Helgen won’t be destroyed and will host several voiced NPCs. To start the main quest (MQ), tell the innkeeper at Helgen that you want her best room. After telling Jarl Balgruuf that you were attacked by a Dragon, he won’t send you to Farengar right afterwards. Some days/weeks later, you will receive a letter that continues the main quest. This is done this way since Bleak Falls Barrow is no joke and I recommend being around level 15 before attempting such a big dungeon. However, you can talk to Farengar at any point to continue the MQ without waiting.
- VANILLA INTRO: The vanilla intro can sometimes have issues depending on your system. If you're struggling with funky physics, reload a save and try again.
Gate To Sovngarde takes a hybrid approach between a leveled and unleveled world, taking the best things of each method. This means the game will still remain a fair challenge at later levels, but at the start you will have to train and be mindful of what sort of enemies you face.
I recommend focusing on bandits and animals at the beginning, followed by draugr, forsworn and mages as you work your way to tougher enemies. You can see the enemy’s level as part of the UI now, so consider paying attention to this before commiting to a difficult fight. The level of quests and loot has been adapted to this progression approach too.
If you encounter a location where the enemies are too high level, leave and come back once you're stronger. Alternatively, you can decrease the difficulty from the main menu.
GTS uses Survival Mode (with improvements). It should provide a good middle ground between immersion and getting in the way of a fun gameplay session. If planning to go north, be mindful of carrying firewood with you to start a campfire. If planning to swim in frozen waters, either use a fire cloak or have a fire at the ready.
To sleep, press E to enter a bed or bedroll (enjoy the lovely blankets) and then press the WAIT menu to bring up the sleep screen. By default, this is the keyboard key “T”. Note: if using a tent from campfire, you need to sleep the traditional way, no "waiting" there.
Also: you can disable Survival Mode from the Settings menu.
In addition to Cold/Hunger, you also need to take care of long-term injuries and mental stress.
This might sound tedious, but these systems are implemented in such a way that they are out of your way 99% of the time, but when they kick in, they should create interesting narratives. There’s a small chance of being injured during fights. Injuries can range from small cuts to broken bones. All of these are animated and provide the perfect excuse for your character to spend a day or two back in town taking care of their injuries.
There’s no magic spell to cure these long-term injuries, you will have to rest and take it easy for a couple of days. Injuries appear in the effects menu and can be treated via the “Treat Injuries” lesser power. Stress is way simpler: fighting and getting hurt can increase your stress. Stress can be reduced by drinking alcohol, fishing, petting a dog, playing music... It provides the perfect opportunity to engage with all the roleplaying systems added in GTS.
Some miscellaneous items have new utilities. Don't worry, as these are explained in-game too.
- Instruments can be played when equipped from your inventory.
- Soap can be equipped to get a thorough cleaning. Scissors can be activated to get a new haircut.
- Clean bandages can be equipped from the misc item menu to provide faster healing on any given injuries (but this does not replace the “Treat Injuries” power, applying bandages directly just speeds up recovery at the price of temporarily losing an equipment slot where the bandage is placed).
- Lanterns and torchbug lanterns provide light when picked up. Activate the light with the L key.
The collection counts with many modded followers with thousands of new lines. Vanilla followers have also been enhanced with new mechanics and dialogue. You will be allowed to have several followers in your journey, but only one vanilla follower at the same time.
Also, please note that you should no longer use followers as meat shields. Followers (that are not attached to important quests) have a small chance of being injured or even dying in combat. The chance is very small, but it should encourage you to protect your followers. If they die, Immersive Interactions will allow you to mourn them and you can even bury them thanks to Skills of the Wild.
Some followers cannot die as they're crucial to the story. They will get permanent injuries instead. Permanently injured followers will still accompany you, but they will not fight.
So chances are that you eventually get injured and need to spend some days in town. Sounds boring, right? Wrong!
Almost all NPCs have received new lines, there are plenty of new NPCs you can talk to and if conversation is not your thing, there are many chill activities while in town: learn to play an instrument, go fishing, go hunting and deliver carcasses to NPCs, climb everything you see, take some skooma and see the world like you've never seen before… Endless possibilities!
The collection makes use of the latest version of Skills of the Wild. This mod rewards your progression with a few new skill trees related to cooking, exploring the world, hunting and interacting with animals. Progress is automatic as you play the game, but these perks can only be accessed through Campfire's "Make a Campfire" spell. There's a in-game tutorial that you can follow if this is the first time interacting with this system.
Most importantly, the compass and sneak eye are re-introduced in the game in a diegetic way. Meaning… as part of your character’s in-game progress. I’ve done this on purpose because I want you to pay attention to the screen, to your surroundings and to the sound of enemies, especially at the beginning. Both UI elements can be unlocked later on by investing points into the Wayfarer perk tree. These points are granted to you just by travelling and discovering new locations. You can also unlock them with the console by inputting "Set CompassCheat to 1" and saving/reloading.
You can press F11 in-game to see all the hotkeys. You can also find them below.
The collection has been made with keyboard in mind, but it shouldn't be too hard to run it with a controller too.
You have questions? Khajiit has answers!
🛠️I installed the modlist but it's not launching!
Read the troubleshooting guide or join the discord for help.
🧭 Help! Where is the compass? Where is the sneaking eye?
They are now unlocked via in-game perks. You literally have to earn them first. At the beginning, you'll have to look at the actual game world and not at the mini map. Crazy, *I know.* If you find this too annoying, you can re-enable them with the console by typing "Set CompassCheat to 1" and save/reload, but I encourage you to give my approach a try first. Most people thank me after they get used to playing without the compass.
📁I use MO2. Can I try this collection without destroying my Mod Organizer 2 load order?
Yes, you can, it's easy and fast to switch between a Vortex/MO2 setup. But you need to use Vortex for this collection. Your MO2 profile with all your current mods won't be affected by Vortex, as the mod files are in completely different folders.
🎦I'm a content creator on YouTube or Twitch. Can I cover your list?
Of course! Reach out if you're having issues. Some of the music tracks can be flagged by YouTube for copyright, but you can make sure this doesn't happen by installing GTS "Streamer Mode" patch. We also have a channel in the Discord to promote GTS content, feel free to drop your links there!
❓The game is taking forever to launch... Is this normal?
The first time you launch the game, it might take a bit longer. If it's stuck loading, you probably forgot to launch via SKSE (or Vortex didn't register the action). Please, read the insallation instructions again.
🙅Is there nudity? Sex?
No. You can try adding those mods on your own, or use a different collection/modlist.
💸Do I need to buy premium for this collection?
Technically no, but you'd have to spend hours manually downloading 1400+ mods for this collection.
⚙️Can I customize this collection?
Duh, it's your game. Do what you want.
🦝Can I steal your collection and make my own based on it, with blackjack and scooters?
Yes. Reach out if you need help.
Flying mammoths? Giant space program?
It's sort of inevitable. This is Skyrim after all. If you encounter an issue, please come to discord to discuss it. Actual bugs in the collection get fixed pretty fast.
Thank Todd for these people:
- Thanks to Dann1c, NikkleZ and Styyxus for the initial testing to the collection.
- Thanks to everyone supporting me on Patreon or Twitch.
Psst... You're still here? You can join my super secret Discord group to discuss this collection, modding and more.
Last updated 4 months ago
Added: 8 months ago
Modified: 5 months ago
User Score:
Community Score: 88
Critic Score: 80
Is Custom Game: false
Is Installed: true
Is Installing: false
Is Launching: false
Is Running: false
Is Uninstalling: false
IGDB name:
Game Id: 489830
Game Started Script:
Hidden: false
Include Library Plugin Action: true
Install Directory: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition
Playnite ID: d3a77353-cf9c-4485-9e5c-662dcc3bf27e
Plugin Id: cb91dfc9-b977-43bf-8e70-55f46e410fab
Post Script:
Pre Script:
Sorting Name: Elder Scrolls 05: Skyrim Special Edition
Use Global Game Started Script: true
Use Global Post Script: true
Use Global Pre Script: true